Invite to participate in Letters of 1916 Usability Study

We would like your input!

IMG_8748We invite you to help evaluate the forthcoming Letters of 1916 Digital Edition website that is to be launched November 2015. Currently, when you visit the website, you reach a transcription desk, where you can participate by transcribing one of over 2000 letters in the collection. In the next phase, which we are currently working on, users will be able to search and browse particular letters from the collection. We will be launching the Letters of 1916 Digital Edition on 3 November, but beforehand, we require some help evaluating the functionality and usability of the website.


In return for an hour of your time one morning between 8th and 17th July, you will receive a sneak preview of the next stage of the project and the opportunity to provide valuable feedback to the final Letters of 1916 Digital Edition.  You will be asked to complete some tasks on the new website and let us know what you think of it. If you might be interested in getting involved, please see Letters of 1916 Usability Testing info for further details.


The evaluations will take place on the Maynooth University campus and will be carried out by Dr Judith Wusteman of UCD Dublin.


If you would like to be involved, please respond to and let us know of any mornings between 8th and 17th July that you would be free to come to Maynooth University to participate in usability testing.