From 2017-2018, funding from the Irish Research Council is allowing the project to expand its scope through 1923, covering the Anglo-Irish War, Irish independence, and the Irish Civil War. It is also funding the construction of a new technical framework, from ingestion of new letters to publication to new modalities of text analysis and visualisation.
We are also grateful to Science Foundation Ireland for several years of generous grants through the Discover Research call. These grants have supported our work with teachers, pupils, families and women in schools and community centres across the country.
We gratefully acknowledge financial support for the Letters of 1916 project’s development from 2013 – 2016:
Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht
Digital Repository of Ireland / HEA / PRTLI5
Digital Scholarly Editions Initial Training Network (DiXiT) / Framework 7
Researcher Night funded by the European Commission / Marie Curie Actions
Trinity College Dublin, The Faculty of Engineering, Mathematics, and Science
We also would like to acknowledge financial support for the following Letters 1916-1923 events:
The Department of Education and Skills for our TEACHERS’ WORKSHOP 2015
Irish Research Council and Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Discover Programme for our COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT EVENTS in 2015 and 2016
These grants have permitted us to develop educational material which we are happy to share on our resources sites.