Featured Letter by Edward Kearns: John Quinn to George Gavan Duffy, 9 September 1916

We have just added our newest featured letter post to the site.  The post was created by Edward Kearns who studied English and Sociology in University College Dublin before moving on to the M.Phil course in Digital Humanities and Culture in Trinity College Dublin. Continue reading Featured Letter by Edward Kearns: John Quinn to George Gavan Duffy, 9 September 1916

Featured Letter by Edward Kearns: John Quinn to George Gavan Duffy, 9 September 1916

FEATURED LETTER Letter from John Quinn to George Gavan Duffy, 9 September 1916 (University College Dublin Archives) by Edward Kearns On 9 September 1916, John Quinn sent a letter across the Atlantic to his fellow lawyer George Gavan Duffy. A Continue reading Featured Letter by Edward Kearns: John Quinn to George Gavan Duffy, 9 September 1916