Progress update: May 2015

In the past month You have transcribed 216728 characters! We welcomed 62 new users in May bringing the total number of registered users to 1067! We will announce the 1000th transcriber in coming weeks, so watch this space.

THANK YOU All for contributing to Letters 1916 Project!


  • 1996 letters uploaded to the system, of which 1836 made public to date (31 May 2015)
  • 16 letters uploaded to the system between 1-31 May 2015


STATUS of the letters:

  • Transcriptions not started: 27 letters
  • Transcriptions in progress 68 letters
  • Transcriptions that need proofing and reviewing: 1645 letters
  • Transcriptions proofed and completed: 96 letters



  • 1067 registered users to date (31 May 2015)
  • 62 new users (registered 1-31 May 2015)
  • 45 Active users (1-31 May 2015)
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