Letters of 1916 Kerry Launch | 28 April 2016

On Thursday 28th April, the Letters of 1916 project held one of its SFI funded Community Engagement events at Tralee Library in Moyderwell, Tralee, Co. Kerry

Professor Susan Schreibman and Karolina Badzmierowska from the Letters of 1916 project were joined by local historian Thomas Dillon for talks ranging from an introduction to the Letters of 1916 project and the technology used to create the platform; crowdsourcing letters and transcriptions and an in-depth exploration of Tralee in 1916 using four letters as a window to the past.

On Friday 29th, the Letters of 1916 team held a workshop with the Transition Year students at the Mercy Mounthawk Secondary School in Tralee. The students were introduced to the project and then used the Explore database to discover the history of Kerry in 1916 through the letters.

SFI_logo_2016__master_colour_BoarderThe outreach event was made possible through a Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) grant.

This funding allows the Letters of 1916 project to extend its outreach with five Community Engagement Events in 2016 (Donegal, Kerry, Sligo, Clare & Louth).

