Digital treasure hunt — all the answers

One particularly successful tool developed by the Letters 1916-1923 team has been our digital treasure hunt — a history quiz based on the Letters 1916-1923 database and similar online resources. If you are an educator, parent, group leader, or just someone who wants to discover Irish history in a fun and interactive way, this download section offers you all the treasure hunt case studies and challenge questions with the correct answers.

PLEASE NOTE: As the project moves on, we are adding more letters to the collection, so questions relating to the number of letters in a certain category may need to be updated before you actually use them for teaching. You may also want to adapt some of our questions to your own region, e.g. let your students find out about their town or county. Furthermore, we are planning to make a treasure hunt in simple language (using keywords rather than full sentences) available soon.

We are always glad to receive your feedback and suggestions for improvement, so please contact us.

To get started, please download our About the Digital Treasure Hunt handout.

1. Digital treasure hunt — general questions about Letters 1916-1923 and the usage of digital archives

2. Digital treasure hunt — case studies highlighting individual correspondents or topics

a) Women’s stories of the Easter Rising and the Great War

Marie Martin (WWI, nurses and VADs, life at the front, Catholic family life)
Augusta Dillon, Lady Clonbrock (WWI, Co. Galway, Anglo-Irish aristocracy, volunteering and philanthropy)
Dr. Kathleen Lynn (Dublin, Easter Rising, republican women, medical services, city life)
Case study Rebecca Shackleton (family life, business, Easter Rising, religious minorities, city life in Dublin)

b) Irish republicans and their networks

Austin Stack (Co. Kerry, republicanism, Irish politics)
Seán Thomas O’Kelly (Irish politics)
Roger Casement (Easter Rising, Irish links with Germany, imprisonment)
Charlie Daly and his family (Co Kerry, republicanism, female letter-writers, family life, Civil War)
Thomas O’Rahilly (Co Kerry, politics, Irish Volunteers, nationalism)

c) The British administration in Ireland

Case study Chief Secretary of Ireland (official correspondence, law, judiciary)
Administration and politics in County Kerry (British peace-keeping efforts, local disturbances, the complexity of Irish politics during the Rising and the First World War)

d) Ireland and the First World War

Irish soldiers in WWI (military action, social life, family relations, experiences abroad)