A 110 page letter to transcribe!

We have just uploaded to the Transcription Desk the longest letter to date! 

Letter from John Dillon to Lady Elizabeth Mathew, 25 April – 1 May 1916

This letter is from Irish Parliamentary Party leader and MP John Dillon (1851-1927) to his mother in law Lady Elizabeth Mathew (d. 1933). This is a 110 page letter written between 25 April (the second day of the Rising) and 1 May 1916 recounting events in during the Rising. The letter contains fascinating detail about the events in Dublin including those experienced by Dillon himself as well as news, reports, rumours and gossip given to Dillon by family and colleagues. Dillon was the only Irish Parliamentary Party leader in Dublin during the Rising and spent the week confined to his house in North Great George’s Street, a short distance from the rebel headquarters in the GPO. He went on to denounced the execution of the leaders in Westminster in a now famous speech on 11 May 1916.

The letter is from the Trinity College Dublin collection (TCD MS 9820)