#AskLetters1916 chat: 2 December | Crowdsourcing: The Volunteers


#AskLetters1916 | Letters of 1916
#AskLetters1916 | Letters of 1916

The monthly #AskLetters1916 Twitter chat took place on Tuesday 2 December from 5.30 – 6.30pm (GMT). The

topic for the chat was:





Back in July 2014, the #AskLetters1916 chat took place around the topic of crowdsourcing Digital Humanities projects. The chat was very animated with contributions from our own community of users and other crowdsourced transcription projects. Fast forward to December 2014, and we turned once again to crowdsourcing. However, this time, we decided to delve into crowdsourcing from the perspective of the volunteers.

To help us out with the December #AskLetters1916 chat, we invited our own super-volunteer, Philip Costello, to lead the conversation. Philip was one of the first volunteers to sign up with the Letters of 1916 project and he works extremely hard transcribing and uploading letters to the system.  You can read more about Philip’s contribution to the project here.

Philip’s chat was a huge success.  You can catch up with the storified chat by clicking here.

Tweet the team!

The people behind Letters of 1916 are on Twitter:

Professor Susan Schreibman  |   Twitter: @schreib100

Karolina Badzmierowska | Twitter: @karolinabadz

Emma Clarke | Twitter: @clarke__emma

Richard Hadden | Twitter: @oculardexterity

Shane McGarry | Twitter: @irishgeek79