Progress update: September 2014

We are delighted to publish our first Progress update. We are planning to publish it on a monthly basis to inform you how our work on the project is progressing. Most importantly, we want to acknowledge your contribution to the project.  Thank you for helping us transcribing the letters and adding your own to the collection.




  • 1577 letters uploaded to the system, of which 1472 made public to date (30 Sep 2014)
  • 109 letters uploaded to the system between 1-30 September 2014


STATUS of the letters:

  • Transcriptions not started: 408 letters
  • Transcriptions in progress 121 letters
  • Transcriptions that need proofing and reviewing (proofing): 858 letters
  • Transcriptions proofed and completed: 85 letters



  • 423 registered users to date (30 Sep 2014)
  • 72 new users (registered 1-30 Sep 2014)
  • 49 Active users (1-30 Sep 2014)


THANK YOU All for contributing to Letters 1916 Project!