Featured Letter by Louise Tobin

Dublin police report on the illegal importation of glass from Belgium by a Mr. H. Wigoder in Feb. 1916 | Image: National Archives of Ireland
Dublin police report on the illegal importation of glass from Belgium by a Mr. H. Wigoder in Feb. 1916 | Image: National Archives of Ireland

We have just added a featured letter post to the site. The post was created by Louise Tobin, an English and History graduate from St Patricks College, Drumcondra.  Louise also graduated from University College Dublin with a Masters in Library and Information Studies in December 2013, and has recently completed the M.Phil in Digital Humanities and Culture in Trinity College Dublin.

The feature deals with a letter which highlights the problems faced by Irish businesses during these turbulent times. The letter in question is from Sir Edward O’Farrell, the assistant under-secretary for Ireland, to the Controller of the British Foreign Trade Department in London. O’Farrell encloses a report by a sergeant at ‘G’ Division, the detective branch of the Dublin Metropolitan Police, which deals with the illegal importation of glass from Belgium by a Mr. H. Wigoder in Feb. 1916.

Read more here.