#AskLetters1916 Twitter Chat: 7 October 2014


#AskLetters1916 | Letters of 1916
#AskLetters1916 | Letters of 1916

The next #AskLetters1916 Twitter chat will take place on Tuesday 7 October from 5.30 – 6.30pm (GMT). The topic for the chat is:



We want YOU to participate in the #AskLetters1916 Twitter chat.

On 7 October, the Letters of 1916 team will host a Twitter chat discussing security on the Home Front in Ireland during the Great War. We will discuss questions such as:

  • What security measures were in place in Ireland?
  • Were letters censored?
  • How were foreign nationals, particularly German nationals, treated by the Irish administration?

The Letters of 1916 team will be online from 5.30pm. We will be chatting about these issues and more and we would love to hear from you. If you would like to read some relevant letters from letters1916.ie in advance of the chat, please click here

Tweet the team!

The people behind Letters of 1916 are on Twitter:

Professor Susan Schreibman  |   Twitter: @schreib100

Karolina Badzmierowska | Twitter: @karolinabadz

Emma Clarke | Twitter: @clarke__emma

Richard Hadden | Twitter: @oculardexterity

Brian Hughes | Twitter: @Brianhughes57