Community Engagement Event in Letterkenny

Join us in Letterkenny, Co Donegal next week! Letters of 1916: Community Engagement Event will take place on Thursday 10 March 2016. 






Central Library, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal
Thursday, 10 March 2016


5pm – 6pm | DROP-IN SESSION

Have your letters photographed, meet the team behind the Letters of 1916 and find out more about technical aspects of the projects.

The is an opportunity to digitise any letters that you bring along. We are especially interested in letters written between 1 November 1915 and 31 October 1916, and any accompanying photographs of the correspondents.

6pm – 7pm | TALKS

Karolina Badzmierowska, Letters of 1916: Welcome & Overview of the project
Neale Rooney, Letters of 1916: ‘Letters 1916: A Day in the Life – Letters and Donegal’
Vinayak Das Gupta, Letters of 1916: ‘Why should we care about Digital Databases?’
Kieran Kelly, Letterkenny Historical Society: ‘Letters of 1916’

7pm – 7.45pm | RECEPTION

Science Foundation Ireland

The outreach event was made possible through a Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) grant.

This funding allows the Letters of 1916 project to extend its outreach with four Community Engagement Events in 2016 (Donegal, Kerry, Sligo & TBA).