Kildare Launch of Letters of 1916

The Letters of 1916 was launched on 8 May 2014 at the National University of Ireland Maynooth (NUIM) to mark the move from Trinity College Dublin to its next phase at An Foras Feasa, The Institute for Research in Irish Historical and Cultural Traditions. 

The Kildare launch was a great success! Both, the transcription and scanning lab went over the scheduled time due to many interesting conversations among the guests and the Letters 1916 team. A number of new letters were brought in for scanning and they will be uploaded for transcribing in coming weeks – watch this space.

Thank you all very much for coming, sharing your stories and joining us at that very lively event. Thank you to our speakers: Professor Susan Schreibman, Robert Doyle, Dr Brian Hughes, and Lar Joye – we hope to have video recordings of their talks up on the website this week for all those who missed the launch. And last but not least, thank you to the NUI Maynooth, An Foras Feasa staff members for helping us in organising and promoting the event!