Launch of the Letters 1916

The Letters of 1916 project was launched on Friday September 27th, 2013 at 6pm at Discover Research Night, when researchers at Trinity College Dublin and the Royal Irish Academy invited the public to come and experience research in action.  Members of the public brought family letters to the Trinity Long Room Hub to upload to the archive and learned about how digital collections are created and got hands-on experience of scanning, transcribing and creating websites. Researchers and archivists were also on hand to answer questions about how best to preserve old letters.

The project was launched by Professor Emeritus Angela Bourke (UCD), Professor Vinny Cahill, Dean of Research, TCD, and Dr Susan Schreibman, the Trinity Long Room Hub Associate Professor of Digital Humanities and the PI of the Letters of 1916 project.

The Letters of 1916 team thank our funders, The Decade of Commemoration Fund, The Department of the Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht, The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Mathematics and Science, and Researcher Night, funded by the European Commission.

Thank you very much to all involved in the event and the public. It was great to see so many of you on the night!

Photographs from the Letters of 1916 Launch by Freddie Stevens.

Video from the Researchers Night produced by Eoin Kernan.