Letters of 1916 at the Archives Nationales in France

Letters 1916, Archives Nationales de France
Letters 1916, Archives Nationales de France

I had the tremendous pleasure to represent the Letters of 1916 team at the Crowdsourcing and TEI conference hosted by the Archives Nationales, Pierrefitte Sur Seine, on Wednesday 16 March.

Letters 1916, Archives Nationales de France
Letters 1916, Archives Nationales de France

The conference featured a variety of speakers including Professor Emmanuelle de Champs of the université de Clergy-Pontoise, Louise Seaward of the Transcribe Bentham project, Marc Pignard of the Muséum Nationale d’Histoire Naturelle and many more. Talks featured the advantages and difficulties of crowdsourcing in the digital age, a general introduction to the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) and the possibilities of machine learning for transcription based projects.


The Letters of 1916 project wishes to thank the Archives Nationales, Professor de Champs and all involved in the running of this enjoyable conference.

Letters 1916, Archives Nationales de France
Letters 1916, Archives Nationales de France

Neale Rooney
