Letters written on St Patrick’s Day in 1916


What were people saying when they put pen to paper to write letters on St Patrick’s day in 1916?

Thanks to the new Letters of 1916 discovery database, we can get a snapshot of the words written on this day a century ago.

A quick dip in to the letters informs us that Alexander McDowell from the Ministry of Munitions wrote to E. A. Aston, inspector for the Local Government Board (LGB) in Dublin regarding female workers in the local linen industry. From the letter, we learn that only one Belfast firm at that time employed women on munitions work.

Another letter from further afield was written by Denis Hurley to his brother John. Originally from Tawnies, near Clonakilty in Co. Cork, Denis emigrated to Carson City in Nevada in 1873. In the letter, Denis thanks John for “the bunch of shamrocks”. Amazing that the shamrock survived the journey!

In a third letter, Alexander G. Crawford writes to Matthew Nathan discussing a local school principal from Coleraine. The principal in question has had a very positive effect in his forty five years of service, even going so far as to pay for the up keep of the school from his own purse.

To read any of the letters, click on the images above or click here to browse the discovery database yourself.

If you find any more St Patrick’s Day letters in the collection, let us know!