Profile: Dominic Price

Dominic Price

Dominic Price is a teacher, historian and is the author of The Flame and the Candle, Mayo 1919-1924 (Collins Press, Cork, 2012). He is currently working on a number of projects and he has contributed to the Letters of 1916 project by attending the 2015 Teacher’s Workshop, which was held in Maynooth University’s Digital Humanities Institute, An Foras Feasa. The workshop was held in conjunction with the Military Archives (read more about the workshop). Dominic spoke to us about his contribution to the Letters of 1916 project and taking part in the workshop for teachers.

I collaborated with the Letters of 1916 project as I welcomed the opportunity of supporting a History Initiative commemorating 1916.  I also recognised I could learn a great deal about the period.  I was also very interested in the technical means of education employed by the expertise of those involved.

Eyewitness testimony is what history is all about. Letters 1916 presents personal testimony through letters, photographs and artefacts in a means which is easily accessible and possible to share through social media. What I enjoy most about the project is being introduced to unknown people while they share their unique vista of 1916. This can greatly enrich our understanding of people and events. It is a lived history project through which we can relive the events commemorated in this year of 2016.

The greatest strength of the project is to make archival material, the daily lived reality of 1916, accessible through social media and encourage a conversation about the events, what they meant in 1916 and what they mean now in 2016. The historical letters, diaries, accounts of actions and photographs are available through Letters 1916 to people who would have great difficulty accessing such material otherwise. The project also encourages people to develop their understanding by further reading, research and exploration. Letters 1916 has created a historical global historical community which continues to grow. Letters 1916 is a very exciting project.

If you would like to get in touch with Dominic, his twitter profile is: @Dominic1Price and he has a Flickr site where he mainly posts historical and Irish natural environment Photographs: