In March 2016 You have transcribed in total 126119 characters. We welcomed a high number of 96 new users since February 2016, bringing the total number of registered users to 1439.
Currently there are 2364 letters uploaded to the system, of which 2264 are available to view and transcribe online. Our focus in the past months was on proofing the transcriptions, which resulted in bringing the total of transcriptions completed and reviewed to 1001. Since our launch on 2 March 2016, you can explore the completed letters in more detail here.
- 2364 letters uploaded to the system, of which 2264 made public to date (31 March 2016)
- 57 new letters uploaded to the system since 29 February 2016
STATUS of the letters:
- Transcriptions not started: 52 letters
- Transcriptions in progress 59 letters
- Transcriptions that need proofing and reviewing: 1152 letters
- Transcriptions proofed and completed: 1001 letters
- 1439 registered users to date (31 March 2016)
- 96 new users (registered since 29 February 2016)
- 56 Active users (1-31 March 2016)
# | username | characters |
1 | Comber | 20252 |
2 | Noel21 | 18845 |
3 | Tbrosnan | 17338 |
4 | Anonymous | 12031 |
5 | Mganson | 7848 |
6 | Pswords | 5162 |
7 | CA2012.2599 | 4410 |
8 | Downeyrt | 4303 |
9 | MBEditatrix | 2994 |
10 | Rdevries | 2607 |
11 | Stephywalsh | 2247 |
12 | Lisaph | 2109 |
13 | BrionaMcGinley | 2103 |
14 | Robmcf14 | 2021 |
15 | Seanmcnulty | 1838 |
16 | Orlaith | 1665 |
17 | Mrcalcium99 | 1585 |
18 | Dariaa99 | 1556 |
19 | Zzxjoanw | 1549 |
20 | Kevin Clune | 1493 |