Progress update: March 2017

In March 2017 you transcribed 203726 characters in total.

In March 2017, we welcomed 16 new users, bringing the total number of registered users to 1842.

Currently 3589 letters have been uploaded to the system, of which 3261 are available to view and transcribe online. You can explore the completed and fully transcribed letters in more detail here.

THANK YOU All for contributing to the Letters of 1916 Project!


  • 3589 letters uploaded to the system, of which 3261 have been made public to date (31 March 2017)
  • 66 new letters uploaded to the system since 28 February 2017

STATUS of the letters:

  • Transcriptions not started: 31 letters
  • Transcriptions in progress: 44 letters
  • Transcriptions that need proofing and reviewing: 1398 letters
  • Transcriptions proofed and completed: 1788 letters


  • 1842 registered users to date (28 February 2017)
  • 16 new users (registered since February 2017)
  • 19 active users (1-31 March 2017)


# username characters
1 Marysayers 48153
2 Anonymous 26889
3 Inkblotch 18571
4 CFMcDonald 16612
5 Sanbutler16 15546
6 Dathai64 12976
7 Romcdona 5957
8 Tiffany Goodson 3852
9 Tbrosnan 2891
10 Irishjesuitarchives 1616