Season’s Greetings 2017


The Letters of 1916-1923 team would like to thank everyone who collaborated with us as we expanded the collection in 2017.

We look forward to working with you again in 2018 as we continue to grow the collection.

We have picked some of the precious Christmas cards and greetings which were sent a century ago and are now part of the Letters 1916-1923 collection. Click the images to read the card in full.

This simple card and letter from Seán Mac Diarmada wishes Máirín Cregan a happy Christmas season and apologises for being unable to meet her. Máirín was a prolific Irish children’s writer who married James Ryan in 1919. This letter survives in Ryan’s personal papers which are part of University College Dublin Archives.

The letter which accompanied this card was sent from the office of the ‘Nationality’ newspaper. MacDiarmuida was the manager, and registered owner of the newspaper.


Letters 1916-1923


Lawrence Brown spent Christmas on board the H.M.S. Defence when he sent his love to his sisters and wrote that he was on his way to Malta or the Dardanelles. A little over 5 months later, the HMS Defence was sunk during the Battle of Jutland and Lawrence was killed. His body was never recovered.


Letters 1916-1923


We love this Christmas card depicting a girl playing in the snow on a sledge. It was sent from Tom Kelly to Grace Kelly at Christmas in 1916.


Letters 1916-1923


On the front of this Christmas card, there is a sketch of soldiers marching. Below this, is a printed poem in Irish by Patrick Pearse and inside the card, there is a handwritten message wishing “a very happy Xmas” to Éamonn, his son Rónán, and Fanny (Éamonn’s wife Áine, who was christened Frances). The inside features a second printed poem by James Clarence Mangan.


Letters 1916-1923


There are many more cards and letters waiting to be explored or transcribed on our website. Check out the recent additions to get started.

Wishing you and yours a very happy and prosperous 2018.

Letters of 1916-1923 team