Letters of 1916 welcomes the Public Record Office of Ireland as a new contributor

Letters of 1916 is delighted to announce its latest collaboration with a national institution, the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) PRONI was founded in 1923 shortly after the official foundation of Northern Ireland as the official archive for Continue reading Letters of 1916 welcomes the Public Record Office of Ireland as a new contributor

New! Featured Profile – Military Archives

  We have just added the Military Archives’ profile to our ‘Featured Profiles’ section.   There are a number of letters belonging to the Military Archives in the Letters of 1916 collection, including letters written by Padraic Mac Piarais and Harry Boland  and James Connolly. Continue reading New! Featured Profile – Military Archives

Featured Institution: Irish Capuchin Provincial Archives

The major functions of the Irish Capuchin Provincial Archives are to collect, preserve, arrange, describe, and make available for use the records and materials that document the Capuchin Order’s heritage in Ireland. The Capuchin Order has a very long history Continue reading Featured Institution: Irish Capuchin Provincial Archives