Upload Days 26th and 27th August 2013

Preparations have been underway throughout the summer for the launch of the Letters of 1916 on 27th September.  On 26th and 27th August, the Letters of 1916 team were joined by some willing researchers, both academic and enthusiasts, to trial out the transcribing portal on this blogsite.

The days produced some interesting results, and some insightful suggestions from the uploaders.  Most, however, were fascinated by the letters themselves, and rightly so! The letters provide a window into day-to-day 1916 life. There were also heartbreaking ‘last letters’ from soldiers, and those who were imprisoned after the Easter Rising and were facing execution.

You can play your part in the Letters of 1916 project at Discover Research Dublin on 27th September in the Trinity Long Room Hub, or by transcribing a letter on this blogsite.