#AskLetters1916 chat: Letter Selection

1. Letter from Lady Clonbrock to Mrs Budson, 19 April 1916

Letter from Lady Clonbrock (Augusta Caroline Dillon (née Crofton) to Mrs Budson requesting help in the creation of sub-centres in County Galway for the collection of moss for surgical dressings.

2. Letter from William Pearse to Éamonn Bulfin, 21 April 1916

This is a mobilisation order sent by William Pearse (1881-1916) to Éamonn Bulfin (1892-1968) on 21 April 1916. The order was for the planned manoeuvres on Easter Sunday, 23 April.

3. Letter from Patrick Pearse to Seán T. O’Kelly, 22 April 1916

In this letter, written two days before the Easter Rising and on the eve of the original date for the Rising, Pearse asks if O’Kelly can provide accommodation for the night for himself and his brother William.

4. Letter from Eoin MacNeill to Éamon de Valera, 23 April 1916

In this letter, sent on Easter Sunday, MacNeill issues a direct order to de Valera that no movement of Irish Volunteers is to take place that day.

5. Letter from Cathal Brugha to Éamonn Ceannt, 24 April 1916

Brugha writes this letter from his mobilisation point on the morning of the Easter Rising and asks when he should leave.

6. Letter from Seán MacDermott to Maurice Collins, 24 April 1916

This is a handwritten order instructing Maurice Collins to report to Ned Daly at Richmond Hospital and to ‘release Hobson’.

7. Letter from Michael O’Connor to Matthew Nathan, 25 April 1916

This letter regards a proposed amendment regarding the Tralee and Dingle Railway (committee management) order 1896.

8. Letter from Sarah Harden to Donald Harden, 27 April 1916

This letter was written during and after the Easter Rising, which had begun on 24 April. Sarah began writing on 27 April and continued to add to the letter until 3 May by which time the postal system has resumed work.

9. Letter from Gough to Augustine Birrell, 28 April 1916

This letter is an enquiry into what is happening in various locations in Ireland since Easter Monday 1916.

10. Letter from Patrick Blair Carphin to his sister Jo Carphin, 28 April 1916

In this letter, Patrick Blair Carphin provides a general account of the days just after the Rising.

11. Letter from Lord Wimborne to Sir John Maxwell, 29 April 1916

In this letter, Wimborne expresses his pleasure at the ‘good progress and effective action’ reported by Maxwell.

12. Letter from James Finn to May Fay, c. 30 April 1916

This letter is from a series of letters written between James Finn and his fiancée Mary (May) Fay who became engaged in January 1916, and married in June. James was in Westmeath for Easter and is trying to get back into Dublin.

13. A note to the Officer Commanding A Company, c 24 April 1916

A note to the Officer Commanding A Company [most probably written during the Easter Rising], informing him of the best vantage points for securing and defending the area surrounding College Green.


TAKE ME BACK TO THE BLOG POST:  #AskLetters1916 chat: 20 April | Letters of Easter Week, 1916