Letters of 1916 Upload Day

28th April 2015, 3:00-7:00pm

An Foras Feasa, Iontas Building, Maynooth University

IMG_8748The Letters of 1916 Project is looking for your help.  We have 600 images of letters ready to go into our system so they are available for transcription, but we haven’t the time to get them online quickly.

Join us on Tuesday 28 April in the Iontas Building, Maynooth University and help us achieve our goal of 4000 letters in our database when we launch on 3 November 2015. We will teach you what you need to know, provide the computers, conduct historical research, This is an opportunity to get involved in a digital humanities project and get a better understanding of how online resources are created.

Drop in anytime between 3.00-7.00, meet the Letters 1916 project team, enjoy refreshments, visit the Humanities Research Institute, and get an idea of how a Digital Humanities Crowdsourcing project works.

For those coming to Maynooth by car, the nearest car park the Iontas Building is Car Park 5. You will need a parking pass between 3-5. Please come to the First floor and we will provide you with a parking pass.