#AskLetters1916 Twitter Chat: 5 August 2014

#AskLetters1916 | Letters of 1916
#AskLetters1916 | Letters of 1916



The next #AskLetters1916 Twitter chat will take place on 5 August from 5.30 – 6.30pm (GMT). The topic for the chat is:



Participate in the #AskLetters1916 Twitter chat.

On 5 August, tweet any questions, comments, observations you may have about Women in World War 1 using the #AskLetters1916 hashtag.  The Letters of 1916 project team will be online from 5.30 – 6.30pm to engage with the discussion.  Let us know in advance if you will be joining the chat – we’d love to hear from you.

If you would like to know more about Irish Women in World War 1, please listen to this interview between author, John Dorney and Fionnuala Walsh, PhD candidate in Trinity College Dublin.

Tweet the team!

The people behind Letters of 1916 are on Twitter:

Professor Susan Schreibman  |   Twitter: @schreib100

Karolina Badzmierowska | Twitter: @karolinabadz

Emma Clarke | Twitter: @clarke__emma

Richard Hadden | Twitter: @oculardexterity

Brian Hughes | Twitter: @Brianhughes57