Cork launch of “1916 in Transition” | UCC, Thursday 26 November, 7.45pm

We are delighted to invite History teachers to the Cork launch of “1916 in Transition” in Boole Lecture Theatre 2, University College Cork at 7.45pm on Thursday 26 November 2015.

The “1916 in Transition” project was developed by the Letters of 1916 project and the Military Archives. The project provides 1916 themed lesson plans for transition year students for the upcoming academic year 2015/2016 on the website The lesson plans predominantly utilise the primary sources of the Military Service Pensions Collection, 1916 letters project and the Bureau of Military History and which are essential sources in developing an understanding of the revolutionary period and 1916 in particular.

1916 in Transition | Image: Military Archives of Ireland
1916 in Transition | Image: Military Archives of Ireland

Teachers are also invited to attend the other events – a hands on introduction to the Letters of 1916 project from 2.00 – 5.00pm in the Boole Library, a reception in the Staff Dining Room from 5.15pm and a series of talks on the history of Cork in 1916 which immediately precede the “1916 in Transition” launch. Click here for more information about these events.

