Letters 1916 Workshop & Digitisation | UCC, 26 November 2015, 2.00 – 5.00pm

Thursday 26 November
Boole Library Research Skills Teaching Room, UCC
2.00 to 5.00pm

IMG_8740The Letters of 1916 team invites you to a hands-on practical workshop in which you will have the opportunity to engage in a key aspect of the Letters of 1916 project – that of uploading letters to the database.

We have about 60 letters related to Cork in 1916 for upload (from Cork Public Museum and UCC Special Collections).  We will be asking participants to drop in any time during the afternoon to conduct some historical research, before adding the letters and their associated metadata to our system.

We also invite anyone who owns a letter between 1 November 1915 and 31 October 1916, to bring it, and any accompanying photographs of the correspondents to the event where it can be digitised. UCC Library archivist, Emer Twomey, will be on hand to provide advice on the storage and care of your century-old documents.


2.00 – event begins


2.15 – Brian McGee:

‘The Cork City and County Archives Online Catalogue Database and Finding Aids’
A short introduction to research using the CCCA online catalogue and finding aids.


3.15 – Donna Alexander:

‘Teaching with Letters of 1916′

This talk will focus on how Letters of 1916 can be used as an educational resource in the classroom for practical and conceptual applications. I will explore the benefits of using the project to introduce students to XML. This talk will also discuss the ways in which Letters of 1916 showcases crowdsourcing as a postcolonial methodology.


4.15 – Daniel Breen:
‘Looking after 1916 artefacts’
Examples from the Cork Public Museum Collection


5.00 – event ends and we ask participants to join us for a reception in the Staff Dining Room (beside the Main restaurant).


Drop in anytime: come for an hour or two! If you have any questions, please contact us.