Data sharing agreement regarding the Digital Repository of Ireland

The ‘Letters 1916-1923’ Project (to be renamed in the future) is an initiative undertaken by Maynooth University to collate, from members of public and from cultural and educational institutions, contemporary letters from 1 November 1915 to 31 December 1923.

If you/your institution make digital copies of original material available on our project website, we ask your consent to share these digital copies and the relevant metadata with the Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI). The Digital Repository of Ireland is a national digital repository for Ireland’s humanities, social sciences, and cultural heritage data. The repository includes multiple collections from Irish institutions and is continuously updated.

Please let us know if and in what form we may forward the material provided by you:

a) The INSTITUTION does not give Letters 1916-1923 permission to share any content with the DRI.


b)   The INSTITUTION gives Letters 1916-1923 permission to deposit a copy of the metadata relating to the letters in the DRI along with an accompanying generic image.


c)    The INSTITUTION gives Letters 1916-1923 permission to deposit a copy of the metadata relating to the letters in the DRI along with the accompanying image.