Informed consent for letter contributors

In addition to the general terms and conditions which you have accepted upon registration, we ask you to consent to the following contribution agreement before uploading a letter on the Letters 1916-1923 website:

1. How we use letters and other submissions

Maynooth University may use any Materials submitted by you for the purposes of promoting historical study and private research and for educational purposes and the digital images and the transcriptions are publicly available in the form of a digital archive, alongside photographs and other contextual information. The digital archive is enhanced by further research, making it a valuable public resource for further study, genealogical investigation, and browsing pleasure.

2. What if you change your mind?


You have 3 days from submitting the letter to withdraw permission to use it in the archive. Once this 3-day period has passed, the letter will be made available online and will be viewable publicly. Once your letter is made available online, you can request in writing that it be removed from the digital archive at any time.  You can send your written request to Professor Susan Schreibman at however you should note that this will not affect any existing permitted uses of the letter which may have occurred up to the date of its removal (e.g. reference to the letter in an academic journal etc.).


Copyright Declaration
1. Copyright Maynooth University wishes to ensure that copyright is respected in its collation of Material for the Project. In general, copyright subsists in works for the duration of the life of the author plus 70 years. Therefore, as of 2015, copyright will still subsist in any material where the author of the material in question died on or after 1 January 1945. Copyright laws provide for various exceptions, such as use of copyright material for private study or research.
2. Licence and Consent Therefore, in submitting Material to the collection, Maynooth University asks you to confirm one of the following:
2.1 (a) the Material is out of copyright protection (i.e. that you are aware that the author of the Material died prior to 1 January 1945);
2.1 (b) you have the rights to upload the Material in question for use as outlined in paragraph 2.2 or you have the permission of the relevant rightholder(s) to do so (see paragraph 2.2 below);
2.1 (c) you are uploading material as a member of the Letters 1916-1923 team.
2.2 [EC1] in the event that paragraph 2.1(b) applies, you hereby grant to us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty free, transferable, sublicensable licence to use the Material for the full period of copyright in it including all periods of renewal, extension and revival of the copyright and thereafter in perpetuity to enable us to reproduce, make available, publish, distribute, exhibit and otherwise use the Material whether alone or incorporated in or in conjunction with other works and in all media whether now known or hereafter devised for the purposes set out above (see paragraph above entitled “How the letters and other submissions will be used”;
2.3  you shall promptly inform Letters 1916-1923 in accordance with our take-down policy (see Reporting Claims of Copyright Infringement) above if you become aware of any claim that the Material submitted by you infringes the copyright, database rights or any other right of a third party.


3. Reporting claims of copyright infringement

We take claims of copyright infringement seriously. If you believe any Materials accessible in this collection infringe your rights or the rights of a third party, you may request removal of those Materials from the collection by submitting written notification to inform including the following information:

  • identification of the Material you believe to be infringing in a sufficiently precise manner to allow us to locate that material and the manner of such infringement;
  • adequate information by which we can contact you (including your name, postal address, telephone number and, if available, e-mail address); and
  • a statement that you are the copyright owner or are authorised to act on behalf of the copyright owner or that you have a good faith belief that use of the Material is not authorised by the copyright owner or its agent.


Once Maynooth University has received the above information, it will remove the Material in question, pending an investigation. Please note that Maynooth University reserves the right to restore the Material to the archive in the event that it determines that the complaint is unfounded.

4. Informed consent for letter contributors

By accepting our terms and conditions on the website, you affirm that you have read and understood the information on Letters 1916-1923, and consent to the use of the Material submitted by you for the uses set out above.

The primary investigators for this research are:

Primary Investigator:

Professor Susan Schreibman, Maynooth University

Co Primary Investigator:

Professor Chris Brunsdon, Maynooth University