“Public invited to co-create 1916 letters project” in The Irish Times, 4 August 2014

Courtesy of the Scott Family

Professor Susan Schreibman from the Letters of 1916 project wrote an article entitled “Public invited to co-create 1916 letters project” for the Irish Times on Monday 4 August 2014. The article explores how the Letters of 1916 collection will bring previously forgotten stories of World War 1 and the 1916 Rising to the public domain.  One such story is that of Lawrence Browne, a Gunner on the HMS Defence which was sunk during the largest naval engagement of the Great War, the Battle of Jutland.

Read more about Lawrence Browne in the 4 August 2014 Irish Times article here.

This article coincides with the addition of the 1000th letter to the collection.  To mark this, Dr. Brian Hughes has written this feature on the letter writer, Alfred Crofton, and its recipient, his aunt, Lady Augusta Clonbrock.