Progress update: October 2016

In October 2016 You have transcribed in total 401140 characters, which is one of the highest numbers we have ever recorded.

We welcomed 57 new users since September 2016, bringing the total number of registered users to 1665.

Currently there are 3120 letters uploaded to the system, of which 2843 are available to view and transcribe online. Since our launch on 2 March 2016, you can explore the completed and fully transcribed letters in more detail here.

THANK YOU All for contributing to Letters 1916 Project!


  • 3120 letters uploaded to the system, of which 2843 made public to date (31 October 2016)
  • 60 new letters uploaded to the system since 30 September 2016

STATUS of the letters:

  • Transcriptions not started: 21 letters
  • Transcriptions in progress: 50 letters
  • Transcriptions that need proofing and reviewing: 1461 letters
  • Transcriptions proofed and completed: 1311 letters


  • 1665 registered users to date (31 October 2016)
  • 57 new users (registered since 30 September 2016)
  • 54 active users (1-31 October 2016)


# username characters
1 Sanbutler16 195939
2 Scribe500 65570
3 Chapin03 21732
4 Anonymous 12446
5 Snjezana 11504
6 Maria Eugenia 8845
7 JulieBanks 7417
8 Stephanie 6640
9 EthanJ1 6299
10 Katieobrien 5995