St.Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick's Day 1916 Postcard from Máire in Rathmore/Killarney to Piaras Béaslaí, National Library of Ireland
St. Patrick’s Day 1916 Postcard from Máire in Rathmore/Killarney to Piaras Béaslaí, National Library of Ireland

This will be the first St.Patrick’s Day celebrated by the Letters 1916 Project!

We are delighted to be able to highlight a few letters from the project’s archive on this occasion. The two letters and a postcard below come from the Piaras Béaslaí Papers, a collection from the National Library of Ireland.

Click on the link to view the letter:


Selection of letters from Patricks:

A letter written Patrick Pearse, executed as one of the leaders of the 1916 Rising, in December 1915. The letters was probably written to Joseph Michael Stanley, a printer, and refers to the printing of Christmas cards.

A letter from Patrick J. Little, editor of the New Ireland newspaper. The letter was written a week before the Easter Rising and encloses copies of ‘Secret Orders issued to Military Officers’.

A letter was written by Patrick Sheehan, a labourer in County Cork, who was injured while carrying a bundle of empty sacks down a stairs.

A letter from Patrick Carphin, a native of Rathgar in Dublin, to his sister. Carphin gives a detailed description of the Easter Rising as he saw it and tells how he and his daughter were wounded by crossfire.

A letter from Patrick Foran, an Irish prisoner of war in Germany. Foran thanks Lady Clonbrock for a parcel of socks she had sent him.

Thanks to Dr Brian Hughes, an Associate Editor for the Letters 1916 project who compiled the list of letters above.