V is for Volunteers: Valued, Vivacious and Vital to our Vitality

V is for Volunteers: Valued, Vivacious and Vital to our Vitality – we can’t agree more!

Dublin Writers Festival asked three volunteers, Elizabeth, Dorothy and Philip to let us know why it is they choose to volunteer and what attracted them to the Dublin Writers Festival specifically. Philip Costello also shared his thoughts about volunteering for the Letters 1916 and his interests:

This work has given me an appetite for history so I have been reading up on WW1 and the 1916 Rising. My current reading is All in the Blood by Geraldine Plunkett Dillon and next up is 1916 What the People Saw by Mick O’Farrell.

Link to the full interview.

Thank you again Philip for your Valued, Vivacious and Vital contributions to the Letters of 1916 Project!

Click here to read more about Philip Costello.

